Kornberg Artspace, 2023
Every Christmas and Easter, Kornberg Castle is a hotspot for day trippers in a kitsch and consumerist mood. This is a difficult time for art exhibitions with a short attention span, as it is difficult to keep up with so much gold, punch and glitter. The artist duo zweintopf capitulates to this staging force, but under the motto w.o.[wehoh] they have allowed themselves to be tempted to search for Christmas and Easter motifs in their own body of work and create some unconventional cross-connections. In this way, the two are showing a small site-specific special from the zweintopf universe. Newly created, participatory works with fire and smoke meet classics critical of consumerism and willfully emptied crucifixion scenes from art history.dsdgsdfgdfgg

U+271D=LC9, 2021
U+271D=LC4, 2021
Puzzles edited

Sculpture with mother and child, 2023

from left: happy endings (unpleasant) IV, 2018
Sculpture with dreaming girl, 2023
light my fire, Dan Falvin (2), 2023
ohne Titel, 2015

die transzendete Komponente (Polaroid/Caparol), 2023

from left: TT (12), 2023
light my fire, Dan Falvin (5), 2023
im Gehölz gefriert ein Strahl (11), 2020

light my fire, Dan Falvin (1), 2023

light my fire, Dan Falvin (3), 2023
light my fire, Dan Falvin (5), 2023

~ column, 2023, 2023