Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, 2018

left: die transzendete Komponente (Google/Microsoft), 2018
right: die transzendete Komponente (Rheinmetall/Novartis), 2018

left:happy endings (unpleasant) I + II, 2018
right: die transzendete Komponente (ringier axel springer), 2018

left: happy endings (unpleasant) V, 2018
right: happy endings (unpleasant) IV, 2018

safe, 2018

hände heute I, 2018

all things must pass (selection), 2018
5 date chains with the predicted dates of the end of the world that
have not yet happened and are still to come

all things must pass (selection), 2018
5 date chains with the predicted dates of the end of the world that
have not yet happened and are still to come

left: im Gehölz gefriert ein Strahl (3), 2018
middle: TOP 25 (living), 2018
right: happy endings (unpleasant) I + II, 2018

TOP 25 (living), 2018
5 name chains with the first names of the 25 most successful (living)
artists according to Artfacts.net from 07.02.2018

left: Kakade, 2018
right: im Gehölz gefriert ein Strahl (6), 2018

Kakade, 2018
5 date chains with the predicted dates of the end of the world that
have not yet happened and are still to come

ABANDONED LETTERS, Video HD Hochformat, 3’18“