„The Party clock“ – sujet for the exhibtion poster
So wertvoll wie ein kleines Steak
As valuable as a small steak
Galerie Marenzi, Leibnitz, 2017
„As valuable as a small steak“ brings together works that deal with the sheer vastness and uncertain narrowness of of the most diverse visual worlds and self-perceptions of the human clichés, kitsch and trivia, the traditional, the collected and copy-and-paste. Much is stolen, picked apart and reassembled. And some of it simply spins on its own axis.

front: CCC (Closed Circuit Circus), 2015/2017
rotating platform, surveillance camera

Endless Sea (Mittelmeerpanorama), 2017
500 georeferenced images of the Mediterranean Sea from users of the photo platform Flickr

left: pieces of masterpieces, 2017
Puzzles edited
right: ohne Titel 4:3, ohne Titel 16:9, 2017
lightboxes, TV simulators

One Night on the Internet (02.05.2017)
webcam images, illuminated wooden boxes, Duratrans

left:Bordcam MS Finnmarken, Hurtigruten, Norway
right:Mountain View, Huangshan, China