Platz des Gedenkes – Kraj Spominjanja – Place of remembrance
Bleiburg/Pliberk, 2020
competition 2019
The municipality of Bleiburg has started the challenging process of moving 3 memorials to the victims of war, which are located at different places in the town, to one place and, in the course of this, also creating a new memorial to the resettled and victims of National Socialism in the municipality.
zweintopf won the competition for the realization in 2019: with the idea that, on the one hand, all memorials should be equalized in height by bases of different heights. Because in the end, they are all victims of the same insanity called war. Furthermore, by doubling the bases, a memorial was created that points to the future and places a duty on those born after the war: Because these 4 bases are empty and it is up to us as a society to ensure that they can remain empty.

Design principle I
All memorial stones have the same height due to different concrete bases

The New Memorial to the resettled and victims of National Socialism

Design principle II
The 4 concrete bases for the memorial stones are doubled and rotated by 90 degrees.
The four bases are currently empty, embodying both remembrance and hope: