Fragment | Fragment
Karawankenbergsiedlung Klagenfurt, 2017
as part of the project „Stadt Unter“, UNIKUM & lendhauer
A temporary marble plaque refers to the „Abwehrkampf“ monument, whose inscription has two missing parts due to weathering. The corresponding text fragments were translated into Slovenian and transferred congruently to the second, new stone. The result is a common intersection of both texts – in reference to archaeological finds such as the famous Rosetta Stone, which provided the key to deciphering hieroglyphics via the three languages carved into it and thus became a universal symbol of understanding.
»Začasna« marmorna plošča se navezuje na spomenik koroškemu obrambnemu boju, čigar napis ima zaradi preperolosti dve škrbini. Ustrezna besedilna fragmenta sta bila prevedena v slovenščino in na podoben način prenešena na drug, nov kamen. Iz tega nastane skupen presek obeh besedil — po zgledu arheoloških najdb, kot na primer slavni kamen iz Rosette. Na njem je vklesano enako besedilo v treh jezikih, s čimer ni bil le najden ključ do dešifriranja hieroglifov — kamen sam je postal univerzalni simbol za sporazumevanje.